Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How often is the data updated?
The frequency with which new data is published and the time at which this happens varies for many indicators. As soon as new data is available for an indicator or previously published data is corrected, this data is also published on this online platform. The platform is usually updated once a month. You can see when the last update took place on the start page next to the button for downloading the data.2. How are data gaps closed?
If no data is available for an indicator, possible data sources are sought and checked for quality. If the quality meets our requirements, the data is included in the SDG online platform.3. How can I suggest new or different data sources?
For feedback on the data sources we use or for suggestions for new data sources, please contact us here: sdg-indicators@destatis.de4. What does the report status mean?
We have used four different types of reporting status for an indicator, which are also colour coded:* Green: Reported – The most important national data for this indicator or further information is available on this website. The data may not yet be available for all desired disaggregations.
* Orange: In progress - One or more possible data source(s) has/have already been identified. The corresponding data series are currently being prepared for provision on this platform.
* Red: Not available - No data is available for this indicator.
* Grey: Not applicable - This internationally relevant indicator cannot be meaningfully calculated for Germany or can only be answered in a global context.
5. Why are some indicators labelled as "available" without actual data being stored?
Some indicators cannot be meaningfully populated with data at national level, e.g. indicator 5.c.1 "Proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment". Instead of only showing the value 1 or 0 in such cases, further information on the context of the indicator is presented.6. What do the characters and letters on the data in the graphs and tables mean?
If numerical values of individual data points cannot be published or cannot be published with their original value, a so-called value-replacing character (character instead of numbers) is used instead of the actual numerical value, which only appears in the table view. In certain constellations, numerical values require an explanation in order to illustrate the significance or the origin of the numerical value. In these cases, a so-called value-explanatory character (character at numbers) is used in addition to the numerical value. In the chart view, value-explanatory symbols appear when you move the mouse over the corresponding data point. In the table view, they are attached to the numerical values attached to the numerical values. The meaning of the symbols used is shown in the symbol explanation below the chart and table.Character | Explanation of character | Type of character |
0 | less than half of 1 in the last digit occupied, but more than zero | value-replacing character |
- | no figures or magnitude zero | value-replacing character |
... | data will be available later | value-replacing character |
/ | no data because the numerical value is not sufficiently reliable | value-replacing character |
. | numerical value unknown or not be disclosed | value-replacing character |
X | cell blocked for logical reasons | value-replacing character |
( ) | limited informational value because numerical value is of limited statistical reliability | value-explanatory character |
| | fundamental change within a series affecting comparisons over time | value-explanatory character |
p | provisional data | value-explanatory character |
r | revised data | value-explanatory character |
s | estimated data | value-explanatory character |